31 Ocak 2019 Perşembe

About the PROJECT

protection of human health, protection of resources such as water, air, soil, climate, environment, natural / cultural heritage and improvement. To tell the people of the past and to preserve the cultural heritage.Discover the cultural heritage and ensure that they meet the original and rich values ​​of the city they live in. create new perspectives and awareness to enrich


 To make children aware of the environment.
Increase the sensitivity of children to the environment.
To raise awareness of the protection of the environment.
To make students aware of environmental regulation.
Starting from the individual in society, to avoid environmental pollution.
Help national parks, nature monuments and nature parks be recognized by the public.
Raising awareness of the need to take on cultural heritage
To develop technological skills.
Creating new perspectives and awareness to enrich our universal values.

Selection of project partner teachers and preparation of work plan.
Creating a project website.
Creation of Facebook and WhatsApp groups.
Parent information seminars.

The curricular activity for each month will be determined together with the partners.
Detection of the students who will take part in the project and the registration of the TwinSpace with the permission of the parents.
Logo work done.
Human-caused environmental problems.
Work plan activities.
Preparing school clipboard.
Project dissemination activities.
work plan activities.
Environmental problems.
Completion of work plan activities.
Project dissemination activities.
Project dissemination activities.
Work plan activities.
Project dissemination activities.
Work plan activities.
Project dissemination activities.
Work plan activities.
Preparation of class and school signboards related to project presentation.
Project exhibition.
Final test.


Cultivating environmentally sensitive individuals.
To provide a positive change in the perspective of the students towards the cultural values.
Integrate the project curriculum.
Contributing to behavioral rules, permanent learning, contributing.
To give students and teachers the opportunity to use ICT tools.
At the end of the project, each school has its own "What did you do for culture for environment? "To organize an exhibition with the slogan.
At the end of the project to prepare an e-book with our partners.

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